Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mobile App Development

First Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch is the first HTML5 mobile web application framework. Sencha Touch provides the look and feel of the application to be a Native IOS and Android devices. This allows you to easily create large applications with lots of UI and UX Premium. Sencha has the best technical support team of Sencha and heavy documentation of all details is available in support, and this makes the box easy to implement even the large business applications. It is easy to use and develop the mobile application. Sencha Touch is a framework that allows you to code for IOS, Android and Blackberry without having to change the look and feel of the app. It can be used in conjunction with telephone Gap to build applications that emit the exact look and feel of a native app, but created using HTML / Javascript.

Second Phone Gap

Phone Gap HTML 5 based framework that allows developers to Mobile App native applications built using HTML5 and CSS3 and JavaScript. The best part of Phone Gap is to be used in conjunction with other frameworks that support them in that they lack the opportunities and Phone Gap offers. It has over time become the most wanted frame for most enterprise developers with Sencha. It helps mobile application developers to create fully functional native mobile application and puts it in an envelope, so that it can be hosted on the App Store or Android Market.

Third jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile Touch Optimized Web framework for smartphones and tablets. It's unique user interface that remains constant across all platforms. The code is extremely lightweight, and therefore the preferred framework for mobile application development. Various themes are available easily moldable designer needs and can be easily changed. Instead of writing different codes of different OS versions, jQuery makes it easy to write a code to produce a fully functional custom web application.

4.titanium Appcelerator

Titanium helps in cross-platform application development. The applications created natively integrated titanium. It acts as a bridge between the mobile application developer and platform API that outcome is an application that has a more original feel and performance. Appcelerator Titanium is a platform designed from the offset to web developers to create mobile applications and tablet with ease. Over the past year, the platform has seen tremendous growth and new features and devices are added at a rapid pace.

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