Sunday, February 19, 2012

Applications Development

client application development.

Thin Client Application Development:

The thin client uses a markup language such as HTTP and WML for interaction and content. To manage these markup languages, transcoding and transformation software is used. This transcoding software converts the content of an existing HTML page to another WML markup language and C-HTML and this process is known as a screen scraper.


Exploits all the HTML pages.

Simple and takes less time to develop.


Maintenance cost is high.

It is not capable of handling high-resolution graphics in a WAP device.

The device speed is reduced.

Thick Client Application Development:

Thick clients are again classified into three categories.

) Original application development.
b) Smart Client applications.
c) Using a mobile application framework.

Native applications are entirely dependent on the operating systems of most Palm OS devices, Windows CE using C or C + +. It takes full advantage of the capabilities of the operating system. The disadvantage is they can not switch to another OS and device, if it requires major changes.

Smart client applications are mainly used a suite of applications that can control the business and presentation logic and delivers specific content to any mobile device. Java 2 Mobile Edition application to acquire the device configuration by configuration settings. This development application supports all independent and offline applications and bandwidth being used effectively. Support services such as data synchronization. The main drawback is the user interface API (Application Programming Interface) is primitive.

Mobile application framework is also known as Wireless Middleware and Server tightly integrates with business applications. If there are any changes to the application server, which will be updated directly on the client device using a GUI (graphical user interface) and business logic.

Using this framework, it can execute application logic on the client and work offline.

Middleware provides a set of APIs and all in all operating systems. Developing J2ME applications on time and in the application can focus on business issues rather than handling the data packets.

This framework generally supports thin and thick client applications. The main drawback is the integration of legacy systems and a great interface. Use it online, high security and greater flexibility in deploying, supporting wireless data, voice and web services. It can be used on other devices, operating systems also. Time and costs are very less. No problems with connectivity and synchronization.

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